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By informing the senior of what they need to know and what they want to know, NAO helps them better manage their life.
NAO sends notifications of upcoming events, allowing the seniors to stick to important routines while retaining independence. For instance, it will remind the seniors to take medications or visit the doctor, so that they will not miss out on important tasks.
NAO offers the information the old need in life. By retrieving newly updated information from the Internet, it can answer the old’s questions about news, weather, or anything they are concerned with. It can also create an agenda or a shopping list for them, making their life more convenient.
NAO helps at your house through IoTs. By connecting to the light, air-conditioner and television of the house, NAO turns them on or off at your demand. It can also connect to smart gadgets like fitness trackers, allowing the senior to better control their life.
Moreover, NAO provides information in a warm manner, much more acceptable than a cold offering of facts. That is why NAO’s informer function is a huge facilitator for the senior’s life.
Daily Life Assistant
Personalized reminder services
Time management and schedule arrangement
Information Inquiry and Answers
Obtain various types of information through easy conversation
Smart Home Control
Control home appliances with the Internet of Things
Create a convenient and smart life experience
Use Case
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