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Popular restaurants often have long lines of customers waiting for a table every day. As an intelligent social robot, Pepper can act as a queue management assistant at the restaurant's front desk, providing an intelligent and efficient queuing and reservation experience.
Pepper can effectively prevent the errors and oversights that can occur when manually taking numbers for a queue. Customers can simply touch the touchscreen on Pepper's chest to complete self-service number taking. Pepper will remember the customer's identity information through facial recognition technology and enter the arrival time and seating requirements, such as the number of seats needed, into the backend system. This digital management makes the process of taking a number more efficient and convenient.
Pepper can intelligently estimate the time it will take for a table to become available. Through an integrated digital system, Pepper can make real-time estimates based on the number of seated customers and the number of customers in the queue, informing each customer of the expected waiting time. This precise and reliable estimation helps customers better plan their waiting time, providing a more convenient dining experience.
Pepper can also make real-time adjustments to seating arrangements. When a customer leaves, Pepper automatically updates the seating situation and sends a reminder to the next customer in line. This maximizes the restaurant's turnover efficiency, reduces the overall waiting time, and enhances customer satisfaction.
Self-Service Number Taking
Intuitive and convenient interaction reduces human error and oversight
Intelligent Estimation
Calculates the estimated waiting time for convenience in customer planning and arrangement
Real-Time Scheduling
Updates seating status in real-time
sends reminders to customers waiting for a table
Use Case
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