Home Page > Hotel > Disinfection&Cleaning > Path planning

Featuring superior smart planning feature, Whiz ushers commercial cleaning into a new era.

Installed with advanced algorithms and sensors, Whiz maps out the optimal route for efficient cleaning. In contrast to the time-consuming and labor-intensive manual cleaning that can hardly avoid omission or repeated cleaning, Whiz delivers cleaning of higher efficiency and quality with its smart planning. Sensing the room or corridor layout with its sharp sensors, Whiz can accurately identify areas that need to be cleaned and that have been cleaned.

Whiz can arrange and adjust its cleaning schedule in a flexible manner. On one hand, it operates on the optimal path that enables it to complete the cleaning within the shortest time and with the least movement. On the other, it can adjust its plan according to real-time room occupancy. Whiz can prioritize the cleaning of a room if its guest leaves in advance, getting the room ready to be booked again as soon as possible.

Whiz's smart planning brings many advantages to the hotel. Firstly, it makes cleaning more efficient and of higher quality while saving human resources. Secondly, it reduces its disturbance to the guests to the least, thus enhancing customer experience. Meanwhile, Whiz can cooperate with the cleaning team, navigating itself on the route set by the team, which largely improves working efficiency.



Avoid Omissions

Convenient map modeling

determine the cleaning area

Improve Efficiency

Plan the optimal path and clean in an orderly

prioritized manner

Reduce Disruption

Avoid times and areas with a lot of people to prevent cleaning work from disturbing medical treatment

Use Case

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