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As the standard platform for RoboCup@Home, Pepper offers a level and convenient ground for developers to explore the future of domestic robots.
Featuring multiple interfaces and programming languages, Pepper offers strong support for robot developers. Programmers can wire the robot with almost any language they are familiar with, be it RoboBlocks, Choregraphe, or Python, on an intuitive API. This enables quick access to Pepper’s speech synthesis, expression recognition, motion control among other functions, from which the developers can build their own applications for domestic services.
Besides, Pepper is good at interacting with humans. As a humanoid with sharp perception and emotional ability, Pepper understands and responds to human users well, making communication smoother than ever. It can also play music and dance, adding to the fun of interaction.
Flexible Programming
Offers everything from graphical programming to code languages
Humanoid Robots
Supports a variety of daily tasks with human-like language and movements
A unified platform for the development of personalized applications
Use Case
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