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NAO enables safer, more cost-effective, and comprehensive testing through virtual simulation.
By providing both true and false events (events that occur and events for testing purposes only), NAO’s simulation platform not only creates an environment close to the reality, but also offers more possible scenarios for robot experiments. Moreover, virtual testing saves the robots from physical damage if errors occur and allows for quick restart after the researchers adjust the code, making robot development less costly and more efficient.
NAO’s simulation platform also makes possible online robot competitions. That was how RoboCup was shifted online during the pandemic, allowing participants from different countries to show off their robots on a shared platform despite the lockdown, which further frees robotics development from the bound of time and space.
Complete various tests in a short time
Low Cost
Identify and solve problems in a timely manner
Reduce physical wear and tear
Break free from the constraints of time and space
Highly simulate various scenarios
Use Case
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